Our mission is to serve students in under-resourced communities with arts education by paid, professional mentors. We believe arts education is a necessary and critical part of cognitive, emotional, and academic development— and where our curriculum-based US education system often falls short. This most notably impacts students in under-resourced communities who often lack access to arts-based classes.

  • Free music lessons by trained, professional artist mentors

  • Emphasis on mentorship and development of transferable life skills

  • Rigorous tracking of student outcomes | Learn more

June 2023 Longitudinal Study

ArtSmart is in the second year of a longitudinal study with


In June 2023, ArtSmart concluded a two-year longitudinal study in partnership with the WCG Institutional Review Board to evaluate its impact on student social, emotional, and academic outcomes. Key findings showed the ArtSmart programs achieved their intended impact and had a causal effect on student outcomes beyond learning music.

The study shows a causal link between ArtSmart participation and increased plans to attend college, having a meaningful connection with an adult, and having an adult to talk to when stressed or having problems. One of the most positive correlations is around interest to attend school: ArtSmart students are 3.6 times more excited to go to school on their lesson days than on an average school day.

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Partner Schools

Since opening in 2016, ArtSmart has served over 980 students and operated in 33 Title 1 schools across seven US cities.

Professional Mentors

ArtSmart has employed 76 artist mentors, paying over $1.4 million in dependable income.

Music lessons

ArtSmart has provided over 42,000 free music lessons to students across the United States. This equals 30,000 hours of mentorship.

92% of ArtSmart students attend Title 1 Schools.

88% of ArtSmart students identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or people of color.

43% of students identify as LGBTQ+.

Our impact

Creating Purpose and Passion

Students who have access to arts education, especially when delivered one-to-one or in small-group settings, have improved mental health, self-confidence, and academic success, all of which paves the way to a bright and vibrant future.

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Encouraging Academic Excellence

100% of ArtSmart’s 2022 graduating class of 65 students completed high school, and 90% went on to college.

Making Vocal Progress

94% of students say they are happy with the vocal progress they made during the program year.

Improving Mental Health 

83% of students say their music lessons have had a positive impact on their mental health.

Bridging the Lessons Gap 

80% of families in the program say that without ArtSmart, they would not be able to afford private music lessons.

Building Professional Pathways

70% of students say the program impacted their future plans or goals, and over half (52%) of graduating students go on to study the arts at a college or university.

Promoting Creative Development 

x2 The percent of students who strongly agree that they are talented more than doubled from September.

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Find out how ArtSmart has made a difference to our students lives and helped them achieve success.

Katelyn – ArtSmart music student


Find out how ArtSmart helped Katelyn develop her singing skills and how her music lessons benefited her emotionally in other school lessons.

Isaias – ArtSmart music student


Read about how ArtSmart has encouraged Isaias to step out of his comfort zone and discover the power that music has to connect with people.

Nevontae – ArtSmart student


Read about Nevontae's ArtSmart experience and how music has helped develop his self-confidence and find unique learning techniques.

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