Become a Member, Change a Life

You can help make a major difference in the life of a student.

Through monthly giving, sustainers keep open the pathway to academic, economic, and emotional stability through music mentorship.

Become a Member

Monthly Giving | Direct Impact | Member Benefits

  • Invitation to exclusive regional events
  • Convenient, ongoing, tax-deductible contributions that are automatically drafted each month
  • Easy and efficient way to support all ArtSmart programs
  • Secure, automatic monthly payments from your credit card, debit card or bank account
  • Stop anytime


Click on each level to learn more. All sustaining members are invited to exclusive regional events.

Support ArtSmart’s mission

Pledge: A minimum donation of $60 per year ($5 monthly)

  • $25 per month provides teaching materials such as sheet music and pianos for one studio, an investment that will impact students for years to come.


  • Invitation to exclusive regional events
  • First-to-know status
  • Access to reports showing impact
  • Easy, safe monthly giving

Sustain ArtSmart’s impact

Pledge: A minimum donation of $75 per month

  • $75 per month provides at least two free music lessons and mentorship for a student. 


  • Invitation to exclusive regional events
  • ArtSmart T-Shirt or Tote
  • First-to-know status
  • Access to reports showing impact
  • Easy, safe monthly giving

Advocates see it through.

Pledge: A minimum donation of $150 per month.

  • $150 per month provides full tuition for one academic year for a student.


  • Invitation to exclusive regional events
  • Be paired directly with a student to be a sponsor and an important part of their team
  • ArtSmart eco-friendly water bottle and a t-shirt or tote
  • First-to-know status
  • Access to reports showing impact
  • Easy, safe monthly giving

Champions of arts education and mentorship

Pledge: A minimum donation of $250 per month.

  • $300 per month provides full tuition for TWO academic years for a student. Research shows that continuation in the ArtSmart program past the first year is crucial for student success.


  • VIP status at exclusive regional events
  • Name is listed publicly on the website as a Champion sponsor
  • Choice to invest your support in a city of your choice
  • Optional: Be paired directly with a student to be a sponsor and an important part of their team
  • ArtSmart eco-friendly water bottle and a t-shirt or tote
  • First-to-know status
  • Access to reports showing impact
  • Easy, safe monthly giving