Haley Pursues a Music Career in Philadelphia
I would describe ArtSmart as an open-arms, loving, supportive, unique program. Just amazing in general. I feel like anyone with the opportunity to work with ArtSmart should take it with full arms.
From Haley’s Mentor:
Haley, who professionally goes by Junee’, joined the program as a freshman at Franklin Learning Center in 2018. She always challenged herself. Although jazz was her comfort zone, she loved working on classical songs and foreign languages to expand her skills and vocal range. During her senior year, Haley kept her grades up while applying to college, working night shifts at a part-time job, and participating in extracurricular activities like ArtSmart and the Philadelphia Clef Club. ArtSmart provided Haley with the space to explore and grow. Much to Haley’s credit for jumping at every opportunity, she has developed into a confident young woman with the communication, time management, and goal planning skills to be accepted to 17 colleges.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Haley filmed a music video of her singing Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On” to raise money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
It has been a joy to watch Haley grow in the ArtSmart program. Haley is began college at University of the Arts and is currently attending Temple University in Philadelphia, where she studies Vocal Performance and Music Business.
You can follow Haley on her website and her her music on Instagram, Facebook, and Spotify. Read more about Haley’s activities here.
Lessons with Ms. Erin was like working with a close friend. We could just sit and be practicing and just get into a conversation, like “how are you doing, how are college acceptances going?” It was such a nice relief, especially throughout this year with COVID and being virtual and distant from everyone.

Haley’s testimonial written during her senior year of high school:
I was in ArtSmart all four years, since freshman year. The audition process was very nerve wracking because I was very shy and not very social, but I knew that if I wanted to be a singer, I needed to push my limits. There was a pre-screening where we sang scales and then one of our favorite songs. It was nerve wracking, but I made it through. Once I started lessons, I learned a bunch of new warm-ups. They were interesting– move around, bend your knees.
My mother is a poet, so she will even ask me to sing a melody so that she can add words to it. My dad just loves jazz music so he always has it playing in the car. One day he had John Coltrane playing and I started scatting along, and he asked, “Is that you doing that?”
I just knew I wanted music to be part of my life. Whatever career I go into, I just know that music will follow me anywhere.
Growing up, I always knew that I loved music, various types of music. My parents always played old school music– R&B, jazz, and beyond. I was always in the music realm but I didn’t start to realize my gift until middle school when I was in an instrumental class and my teacher recommended me to a vocal program.
With private lessons, I had more intimacy with my mentor. I could really open up more and come out of my shell, and in the one-to-one lessons I really started to improve my confidence. Knowing that I could trust my mentor, not only with musical things but also with personal things– family and beyond.
My mentor Erin always mentions “ziggys.” Singing in front of your face so that you can feel a tingling sensation in front of your nose to give a brighter sound. Since I started working with Erin, she helped me reach very high notes that I didn’t think I could reach before. Lessons with Ms. Erin was like working with a close friend. We could just sit and be practicing and just get into a conversation, like “how are you doing, how are college acceptances going?” It was such a nice relief, especially throughout this year with COVID and being virtual and distant from everyone.
I would describe ArtSmart as an open-arms, loving, supportive, unique program. Just amazing in general. I feel like anyone with the opportunity to work with ArtSmart should take it with full arms.
All of our lessons were just fun and relaxing, and the recitals were always amazing. Everybody comes together and is cheering for each other, it feels more like a party than a performance. I believe that my experience in high school would have been different without ArtSmart, especially my confidence. I don’t think that I would be as well spoken or confident in myself when it comes to my vocal range, my voice, or my abilities in general without ArtSmart.
I learned music in a different language — Spanish, German, and Italian. One memorable aria I learned was “Amarilli mia bella.” by Caccini.
ArtSmart is such an amazing opportunity. I am so glad I stuck with it throughout all four years of high school because I feel like I have grown so much as an artist and as a person. I feel more well-spoken and confident in my voice, and I’m not afraid to step on the stage and look at the audience and pour out my emotions. The people are really amazing and the environment is really amazing. Anyone who gets the opportunity to participate in ArtSmart should take it.
Now that I am graduating from ArtSmart, I want to start focusing on my own music and record my own music. I have been writing my own music for a long time and want to learn how to produce my own music as well. I want to perform at places like the Apollo (in Philadelphia) or any big stage or opportunity to perform and spread my love of music to others, I want to take it. Next year, I will be in-person at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. I am really excited for the college arts experience.
I will absolutely stay in contact with my mentor Erin and everyone else I worked with at ArtSmart. They are never leaving my life. They are a part of my journey.
I will absolutely stay in contact with my mentor Erin and everyone else I worked with at ArtSmart. They are never leaving my life. They are a part of my journey.